40 Χρόνια Εκπαιδευτικός Όμιλος ΓΡΑΨΑ
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Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά, Γερμανικά, Ιταλικά, Ισπανικά για ενήλικες

Learn English at “GRAPSA”! Learn English with the best!

English for Adults!

Learn English

with the pioneers of fast-paced Foreign Language learning for Adults since 1984! For 35 years now, we have been specializing in teaching English for Adults, the world’s most popular language, to people of all ages and of many different backgrounds. Our 100,000+ students so far are testimony to the success of our teaching methods!

Learning English

at "GRAPSA” is fun, because our methods are specially designed to suit your personal learning needs! We determine how you can learn English best by using NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) methods. Are you the Visual type? The Auditory? Or the Kinaesthetic? No worries! We’ll find out what’s the best way for you to learn English!

Awarded by the Hellenic American Union Awarded by the Hellenic American Union

We’ll also find out what your level is and then you will be ready to begin! It doesn’t matter if you are an absolute beginner or if you were quite good 20 years ago but now your language skills have got rusty. We can help you (re)gain confidence in yourself and learn English in a very short time! At "GRAPSA”, learning English is all about communication! You learn English by using the language. You will learn English with the help of elite teachers who will gently encourage you to start speaking the language from day one! Here at "GRAPSA”, you don’t learn English by learning long lists of boring grammar rules by heart! Here at "GRAPSA”, it’s all about learning English by speaking and listening and doing things with the language!

And you learn English fast! Because we are efficient! Suppose you are an absolute beginner. No problem! All you need to do is complete three 4-month-long learning programs. At the end of the third cycle, you will know enough English to communicate efficiently in your daily life! You will be able to communicate in most everyday situations (e.g. at work, at school, in your free time or when you travel) in just 12 months! The European Union calls that the "B1 Level” of language ability. A child learning English in the old-fashioned way needs 5 years to get there! At "GRAPSA”, you can learn English at B1 level in 20% of that time! If you already know some English (don’t worry, we can easily ‘measure’ how much English you know when you come to us!), you can get to B1 level even faster: you can skip one (or even two) of the first three learning cycles!

Do our online test and find out what you know! Do our online test and find out what you know!

After following two (or three) more learning cycles (that will depend on how good a student you are), your English will be so good that you will be able to study any subject at University (e.g. Biology, Economics, Psychology, Law, etc.) in English!!! The European Union calls that the "C2 Level” of language ability. It’s the highest level of all!

English for Adults

Learn English at "GRAPSA”! English is the passport that will open all doors for you everywhere on the planet! With the "GRAPSA” system of learning English for Adults, your success is guaranteed! And it won’t cost you an arm and a leg! If you miss lessons (for example, because you have to travel on business) you can replace them for free! If you need special support in a skill (e.g. grammar), we’ll give it to you, also for free: only last year, we offered our students 5000 hours of extra supporting lessons at no cost!

And we are everywhere: 22 schools in Athens, Pireas and Patra!

Join us! Learn English at "GRAPSA”, where learning English is fast and fun!

Examination Dates & Exam Fees Examination Dates & Exam Fees

Έλα να γνωριστούμε σε ένα από τα ΓΡΑΨΑ σε Αθήνα-Πειραιά-Πάτρα!

Ο μεγαλύτερος ξενόγλωσσος οργανισμός για ενήλικες
Ο μεγαλύτερος ξενόγλωσσος οργανισμός για ενήλικες
Ιταλικά για ενήλικες στον Όμιλο ΓΡΑΨΑ
Εκδρομή στην Ιταλία αφού μάθουμε ιταλικά στα ΓΡΑΨΑ 22/9/2023 - Mura Gisella
Στον Εκπαιδευτικό Όμιλο ΓΡΑΨΑ δεν μαθαίνουμε μόνο ξένες γλώσσες! Πηγαίνουμε και ταξίδια στο εξωτερικό γιατί θέλουμε να περνάμε καλά, να γνωρίζουμε νέους τόπους και να μιλάμε ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ, ΓΑΛΛΙΚΑ, ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΑ, ΙΤΑΛΙΚΑ ή ΙΣΠΑΝΙΚΑ, τη γλώσσα δηλαδή που μαθαίνουμε.
Η εκμάθηση μιας ξένης γλώσσας και η τεχνητή νοημοσύνη 19/9/2023 - Μαρία Νικολοπούλου
Ο Εκπαιδευτικός Όμιλος Γράψα πάντα πρωτοπόρος και καινοτόμος παρατηρεί και μελετά κάθε τι καινούργιο που αφορά την εκπαίδευση και την εκμάθηση μιας ξένης γλώσσας
Επιμόρφωση των καθηγητών μας στη Βαρκελώνη
Η επικαιροποίηση των γνώσεων αποτελεί σήμερα αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι της επαγγελματικής ζωής , ιδιαίτερα στον τομέα της Εκπαίδευσης όπου οι απαιτήσεις είναι κάθε φορά μεγαλύτερες, αλλά και οι νέες ιδέες και οι προτάσεις για την κάλυψή τους ανανεώνονται διαρκώς.
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