Athens Headquarters
Grapsa schools specialize in teaching foreign languages to adults (university students, employees, administrative staff).
Since 1984 we have taught English, French, German, Italian and Spanish to 120,000 adults.
- With highly qualified teachers trained in the Grapsa approach by both internal trainers and international organizations / institutions such as OUDCE-University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education.
- With high quality language courses for adults, attended by 7,500 students per year.
- With technologically advanced lessons (GRAPSA VIRTUAL CLASSROOM ® Platform).
- With lessons that make a difference: enriched with experiential learning methods, tailor-made for each person (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).
- With authentic and inspired language courses which result in approximately 2,000 successful candidates per year in foreign language certificate exams: ECPE, ECCE, FCE, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC among others.
- Awarded with a Certificate of Recognition by the Hellenic American Union, the French Institute and the French Embassy following the signing of a Memorandum of Collaboration.
- With useful supplementary publications for our students.
- With a network increase of 130% from 2012 to 2017 via franchise.
- With schools strategically situated embracing target audiences of 3,000,000. Grapsa schools are leaders in their domain.